Package sample.btree

This package contains some sample code for using the B+Tree package.

See: Description

Package sample.btree Description

This package contains some sample code for using the B+Tree package.

Shows how to create a temporary store, register a B+Tree on the temporary store, and do basic CRUD operations on the B+Tree.
Shows how to create a Journal, how to register a B+Tree on the journal, how to do basic CRUD operations on the B+Tree. This example also covers committing or aborting the write set on the journal and re-opening an existing journal.
Shows how to create a Journal, how to register a B+Tree on the journal, how to obtain a view of that B+Tree which is isolated by a transaction, how to do basic CRUD operations on the B+Tree, and how to commit the transaction.
Shows how to impose concurrency control on a B+Tree using a wrapper class. The B+Tree is thread-safe for readers, but not for writers. This example show how you can wrap the B+Tree with a skin backed by a ReadWriteLock.
Shows how to use concurrent transactions for the same B+Tree and how to detect a write-write conflict when a transaction can not commit because a concurrent transaction has already modified the same tuple and committed first.

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