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accept(IBindingSet) - Method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SecurityFilter
accept(IBindingSet) - Method in class sample.customFunction.remote.SecurityFilter
addAxioms(Collection<BigdataStatement>) - Method in class sample.rdf.rules.SampleAxioms
Per RDF Model Theory, new properties defined in the vocabulary will always be of rdf:type rdf:Property and rdfs:Resource, and they will always be subproperties of themselves.
addValues() - Method in class sample.rdf.rules.SampleVocab
Add any values used by custom inference rules.


contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class sample.customFunction.remote.MyBigdataRDFContextListener
createRepository() - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
createRepository() - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.Utils


executeSelectQuery(Repository, String, QueryLanguage) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.Utils
executeSelectQuery(Repository, String, QueryLanguage) - Static method in class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded


getCustomRules(String) - Method in class sample.rdf.rules.SampleClosure
Called once by super class during construction of inference program.
getRequirement() - Method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SecurityFilter
getRequirement() - Method in class sample.customFunction.remote.SecurityFilter
GlobalSecurityValidator - Class in sample.customFunction.embedded
GlobalSecurityValidator(Repository) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.GlobalSecurityValidator
GlobalSecurityValidator - Class in sample.customFunction.remote
GlobalSecurityValidator(RemoteRepositoryManager) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.GlobalSecurityValidator


HelloBlazegraph - Class in sample.sesame.first
HelloBlazegraph() - Constructor for class sample.sesame.first.HelloBlazegraph


JournalExample - Class in sample.btree
This example show how to create a Journal, register a BTree and perform basic operations on the BTree.
JournalExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.JournalExample
journalFile - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
JournalReadOnlyTxExample - Class in sample.btree
This example illustrates how to safely interact with a zero retention configuration of the RWStore using a mixture of read-only transactions and unisolated index writes.
JournalReadOnlyTxExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.JournalReadOnlyTxExample
JournalTxExample - Class in sample.btree
This example show how to create a Journal, register a BTree, start a transaction, obtain a B+Tree view isolated by that transaction, perform basic operations on the BTree, and commit the transaction.
JournalTxExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.JournalTxExample


loadDataFromResource(RemoteRepositoryManager, String, String) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote
loadDataFromResources(Repository, String, String) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.Utils
loadDataFromResources(Repository, String, String) - Static method in class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded
loadProperties(String) - Static method in class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded
log - Static variable in class sample.blueprints.embedded.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsEmbedded
log - Static variable in class sample.blueprints.remote.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote
log - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.embedded.GlobalSecurityValidator
log - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
log - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.remote.GlobalSecurityValidator
log - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.remote.MyBigdataRDFContextListener
log - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote
log - Static variable in class sample.rdr.SampleBlazegraphRDR
log - Static variable in class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded
log - Static variable in class sample.sesame.remote.SampleBlazegraphSesameRemote


main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.blueprints.embedded.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsEmbedded
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.blueprints.remote.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.JournalExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.JournalReadOnlyTxExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.JournalTxExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.ReadWriteIndexExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.ReadWriteIndexTxExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.btree.TempStoreExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.rdf.rules.TestSample
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.rdr.SampleBlazegraphRDR
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.sesame.first.HelloBlazegraph
main(String[]) - Static method in class sample.sesame.remote.SampleBlazegraphSesameRemote
MyBigdataRDFContextListener - Class in sample.customFunction.remote
MyBigdataRDFContextListener() - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.MyBigdataRDFContextListener


NAMESPACE - Static variable in class sample.rdf.rules.SAMPLE
Sample namespace.


QUERY - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
QUERY - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote


ReadWriteIndexExample - Class in sample.btree
This example shows how to wrap a B+Tree with a skin which makes it thread safe for concurrent readers and writers (the underlying B+Tree implementation is already thread-safe for concurrent readers, but is single-threaded for mutation).
ReadWriteIndexExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.ReadWriteIndexExample
ReadWriteIndexTxExample - Class in sample.btree
This example shows how to wrap a B+Tree with a skin which makes it thread safe for concurrent readers and writers (the underlying B+Tree implementation is already thread-safe for concurrent readers, but is single-threaded for mutation).
ReadWriteIndexTxExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.ReadWriteIndexTxExample
registerCustomFunction(Repository) - Static method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded


SAMPLE - Class in sample.rdf.rules
SAMPLE() - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SAMPLE
sample.blueprints.embedded - package sample.blueprints.embedded
sample.blueprints.remote - package sample.blueprints.remote
sample.btree - package sample.btree
This package contains some sample code for using the B+Tree package.
sample.customFunction.embedded - package sample.customFunction.embedded
sample.customFunction.remote - package sample.customFunction.remote
sample.rdf.rules - package sample.rdf.rules
sample.rdr - package sample.rdr
sample.sesame.embedded - package sample.sesame.embedded
sample.sesame.first - package sample.sesame.first
sample.sesame.remote - package sample.sesame.remote
SampleAxioms - Class in sample.rdf.rules
SampleAxioms() - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleAxioms
De-serialization ctor.
SampleAxioms(String) - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleAxioms
SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsEmbedded - Class in sample.blueprints.embedded
SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsEmbedded() - Constructor for class sample.blueprints.embedded.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsEmbedded
SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote - Class in sample.blueprints.remote
SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote() - Constructor for class sample.blueprints.remote.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote
SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded - Class in sample.customFunction.embedded
SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded() - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionEmbedded
SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote - Class in sample.customFunction.remote
SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote() - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote
SampleBlazegraphRDR - Class in sample.rdr
SampleBlazegraphRDR() - Constructor for class sample.rdr.SampleBlazegraphRDR
SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded - Class in sample.sesame.embedded
SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded() - Constructor for class sample.sesame.embedded.SampleBlazegraphSesameEmbedded
SampleBlazegraphSesameRemote - Class in sample.sesame.remote
SampleBlazegraphSesameRemote() - Constructor for class sample.sesame.remote.SampleBlazegraphSesameRemote
SampleClosure - Class in sample.rdf.rules
The closure program must include the new custom inference rules by overriding the parent method BaseClosure#getCustomRules(String).
SampleClosure(AbstractTripleStore) - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleClosure
SampleRule - Class in sample.rdf.rules
If A is similar to B and both are of the same real type (not rdfs:Resource), then attach B's datatype properties (literals) to A as well.
SampleRule(String, Vocabulary) - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleRule
SampleVocab - Class in sample.rdf.rules
SampleVocab() - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleVocab
De-serialization ctor.
SampleVocab(String) - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleVocab
Used by AbstractTripleStore.create().
SampleVocab.SampleDecl - Class in sample.rdf.rules
SampleVocab.SampleDecl() - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.SampleVocab.SampleDecl
SecurityFilter - Class in sample.customFunction.embedded
SecurityFilter(SecurityFilter) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.SecurityFilter
Required deep copy constructor.
SecurityFilter(BOp[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.SecurityFilter
Required shallow copy constructor.
SecurityFilter(IValueExpression<? extends IV>, IValueExpression<? extends IV>, GlobalAnnotations, GlobalSecurityValidator) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.SecurityFilter
The function needs two pieces of information to operate - the document to check and the user to check against.
SecurityFilter - Class in sample.customFunction.remote
SecurityFilter(SecurityFilter) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.SecurityFilter
Required deep copy constructor.
SecurityFilter(BOp[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.SecurityFilter
Required shallow copy constructor.
SecurityFilter(IValueExpression<? extends IV>, IValueExpression<? extends IV>, GlobalAnnotations, GlobalSecurityValidator) - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.remote.SecurityFilter
The function needs two pieces of information to operate - the document to check and the user to check against.
serviceURL - Static variable in class sample.blueprints.remote.SampleBlazegraphBlueprintsRemote
serviceURL - Static variable in class sample.customFunction.remote.SampleBlazegraphCustomFunctionRemote
SIMILAR_TO - Static variable in class sample.rdf.rules.SAMPLE
A sample property used in the sample custom inference rule.


TempStoreExample - Class in sample.btree
Sample for for using the BTree with a TemporaryStore.
TempStoreExample() - Constructor for class sample.btree.TempStoreExample
TestSample - Class in sample.rdf.rules
A sample to demonstrate custom inference rules.
TestSample() - Constructor for class sample.rdf.rules.TestSample


Utils - Class in sample.customFunction.embedded
Utils() - Constructor for class sample.customFunction.embedded.Utils


validate(Value, Value) - Method in class sample.customFunction.embedded.GlobalSecurityValidator
validate(Value, Value) - Method in class sample.customFunction.remote.GlobalSecurityValidator
values() - Method in class sample.rdf.rules.SampleVocab.SampleDecl
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