See: Description
Interface | Description |
ArbitraryLengthPathNode.Annotations | |
ASTBase.Annotations | |
ASTContainer.Annotations | |
BindingsClause.Annotations | |
ConstructNode.Annotations | |
CreateGraph.Annotations | |
DropGraph.Annotations | |
FunctionRegistry.AggregateFactory |
Marker interface for aggregate functions.
FunctionRegistry.Annotations | |
FunctionRegistry.Factory |
An interface for creating
IValueExpression s from a function URI
and its arguments. |
FunctionRegistry.GroupConcatFactory.Annotations | |
FunctionRegistry.InFactory.Annotations | |
GraphPatternGroup.Annotations | |
GroupMemberNodeBase.Annotations | |
IBindingProducerNode |
A marker interface for
IQueryNode s which are capable of producing
bindings. |
IDataSetNode |
Interface for data set declarations.
IDataSetNode.Annotations | |
IGraphPatternContainer |
An interface for AST nodes which have a
GraphPatternGroup annotation. |
IGraphPatternContainer.Annotations | |
IGroupMemberNode |
An interface for an
IQueryNode which may appear in an
IGroupNode . |
IGroupNode<E extends IGroupMemberNode> |
A type of query node that groups a set of query nodes together.
IJoinNode |
A marker interface for any kind of AST Node which joins stuff.
IJoinNode.Annotations | |
INamedSolutionSet |
Interface and annotations for named solution sets.
INamedSolutionSet.Annotations | |
IPrefixDecls |
Interface for prefix declarations.
IPrefixDecls.Annotations | |
IProjectionDecl |
Interface and annotations for AST nodes which have a
ProjectionNode . |
IProjectionDecl.Annotations | |
IQueryNode |
This is the basic interface for any AST operator that appears in the query
IQueryNode.Annotations | |
IReorderableNode |
Interface for things which can be re-ordered by the static join
ISolutionSetStats |
A set of interesting statistics on a solution set.
IStatementContainer |
Marker interface for things which either are statements (or statement
patterns) or contain statements (or statement pattern).
IValueExpressionMetadata |
Abstract base class for AST nodes which embed value expressions and hence
must be able to report certain metadata about those value expressions to the
query planner.
IValueExpressionNode |
An AST node which models a value expression.
IValueExpressionNodeContainer |
A node which is a container for a
IValueExpressionNode . |
IVariableBindingRequirements |
Interface describing constraints and desiderata w.r.t.
LoadGraph.Annotations |
Adds options to control the behavior of the
RDFParser . |
NamedSubqueryInclude.Annotations | |
NamedSubqueryRoot.Annotations | |
PropertyPathNode.Annotations | |
QuadsDataOrNamedSolutionSet.Annotations | |
QueryBase.Annotations | |
QueryHints |
Query hints are directives understood by the SPARQL end point.
QueryNodeBase.Annotations | |
QueryRoot.Annotations | |
RangeNode.Annotations | |
SliceNode.Annotations | |
StatementPatternNode.Annotations | |
SubqueryRoot.Annotations | |
UpdateRoot.Annotations | |
VarNode.Annotations |
Class | Description |
AbstractASTEvaluationTestCase | |
AbstractFromToGraphManagement |
Any of the operations which has a FROM and/or TO graph.
AbstractGraphDataUpdate |
Abstract base class for the
DELETE DATA operations. |
AbstractOneGraphManagement |
Any of the operations which acts on a single target graph.
AbstractSolutionSetStatsTestCase |
Test suite for
ISolutionSetStats . |
AbstractSolutionSetStatsTestCase.MySolutionStats |
Helper class for tests.
AbstractStatementContainer<E extends IStatementContainer> |
Recursive container for ground
StatementPatternNode s. |
AddGraph |
Graph management operation inserts all data from one graph into another.
ArbitraryLengthPathNode |
A special kind of AST node that represents the SPARQL 1.1 arbitrary length
path operator.
AssignmentNode |
AST node models the assignment of a value expression to a variable
ASTBase |
Base class for the AST.
ASTContainer |
A super container for the AST.
ASTUtil |
Some utility methods for AST/IV conversions.
BindingsClause |
The solutions declared by a BINDINGS clause.
BSBMQ5Setup |
Problem setup for BSBM Q5.
ClearGraph |
The CLEAR operation removes all the triples in the specified graph(s) in the
Graph Store.
CompiledSolutionSetStats |
Class models the compiled statistics based on the observed solutions.
ComputedMaterializationRequirement |
INeedsMaterialization metadata for an
IValueExpression . |
ConstantNode |
Used to represent a constant in the AST.
ConstructNode |
A template for the construction of one or more graphs based on the solutions
projected by a query.
CopyGraph |
The COPY operation is a shortcut for inserting all data from an input graph
into a destination graph.
CreateEntailments |
The CREATE ENTAILMENTS operation compute entailments in the Graph Store.
CreateGraph |
This operation creates a graph in the Graph Store (this operation is a NOP
for bigdata).
DatasetNode |
AST node models a SPARQL default graph and/or named graph data set.
DeleteData |
The DELETE DATA operation removes some triples, given inline in the request,
if the respective graphs in the Graph Store contain those:
DeleteInsertGraph |
The DELETE/INSERT operation can be used to remove or add triples from/to the
Graph Store based on bindings for a query pattern specified in a WHERE
DisableEntailments |
The DISABLE ENTAILMENTS operation disable incremental truth maintenance.
DropEntailments |
The DROP ENTAILMENTS operation removes all entailments from the Graph Store.
DropGraph |
The DROP operation removes the specified graph(s) from the Graph Store.
DummyConstantNode |
The dummy constant node is used to represent constants in the AST that do not
actually exist in the database.
EmptySolutionSetStats |
An object which mocks the statistics for a single empty solution set.
EnableEntailments |
The ENABLE ENTAILMENTS operation enable incremental truth maintenance.
ExistsNode |
A special function node for modeling EXISTS.
FilterNode |
AST node models a value expression which imposes a constraint.
FunctionNode |
AST node for anything which is neither a constant nor a variable, including
math operators, string functions, etc.
FunctionRegistry |
Registry for built-in and external SPARQL functions.
FunctionRegistry.CastFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.CompareFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.DateFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.DigestFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.ExistsFactory |
Factory for EXISTS() and NOT EXISTS().
FunctionRegistry.GroupConcatFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.InFactory |
NumericExpression IN ArgList is an infix operator. |
FunctionRegistry.MathFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.NumericFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.SameTermFactory | |
FunctionRegistry.UnknownFunctionBOp | |
GlobalAnnotations |
A glue class for reporting the namespace of the lexicon relation and the
timestamp of the view of the lexicon relation through the function bops.
GraphManagement |
A Graph Management operation.
GraphPatternGroup<E extends IGroupMemberNode> |
Join group or union.
GraphUpdate |
A Graph Update operation.
GroupByNode |
AST node for a GROUP BY clause.
GroupMemberNodeBase<E extends IGroupMemberNode> |
Anything which can appear in an
IGroupNode . |
GroupMemberValueExpressionNodeBase | |
GroupNodeBase<E extends IGroupMemberNode> |
Base class for AST group nodes.
GroupNodeVarBindingInfo |
Class summarizing the variable binding requirements for a given node
(used for children in the join group), thus providing easy access to its
variable binding information
IGroupMemberNode s. |
GroupNodeVarBindingInfoMap |
Map from nodes to their respective
GroupNodeVarBindingInfo object,
including setup method. |
HavingNode |
AST node for a HAVING clause.
InsertData |
The INSERT DATA operation adds some triples, given inline in the request,
into the Graph Store:
JoinGroupNode |
An optional or non-optional collection of query nodes that run together in
a group.
JoinSetUtil |
Utility class for join analysis.
JoinSetUtil.VertexJoinSet |
A collection of vertices and the join variables they bind.
LoadGraph |
The LOAD operation reads an RDF document from a IRI and inserts its triples
into the specified graph in the Graph Store.
MoveGraph |
The MOVE operation is a shortcut for moving all data from an input graph into
a destination graph.
NamedSubqueriesNode |
A node whose children are a list of
NamedSubqueryRoot s. |
NamedSubqueryInclude |
An AST node which provides a reference in an
IGroupNode and indicates
that a named solution set should be joined with the solutions in the group. |
NamedSubqueryRoot |
A subquery with a named solution set which can be referenced from other parts
of the query.
NotExistsNode |
A special function node for modeling NOT EXISTS.
OrderByExpr |
IValueExpressionNode paired with a flag to indicating an ascending
or descending sort order. |
OrderByNode |
AST node models an ORDER BY clause.
PathNode |
AST Node used to represent a property path.
PathNode.PathAlternative |
Used to signify an OR (UNION) of multiple possible subpaths.
PathNode.PathElt |
A specific path element.
PathNode.PathNegatedPropertySet | |
PathNode.PathOneInPropertySet | |
PathNode.PathSequence |
A sequence of paths (JOINS).
ProjectionNode |
AST node modeling projected value expressions.
PropertyPathNode |
A node in the AST representing a triple pattern with a property path.
PropertyPathUnionNode |
This node is purely to trick the ASTJoinOrderByTypeOptimizer - we need to
keep the property path stuff in the right order, even the UNIONs.
QuadData |
Recursive container for ground
StatementPatternNode s. |
QuadsDataOrNamedSolutionSet |
An AST node which models either
QuadData or a named solution set in
support of the INSERT clause and DELETE clause of a DeleteInsertGraph
operations. |
QueryBase |
Contains the projection clause, where clause, and solution modified clauses.
QueryNodeBase |
AST node base class.
QueryNodeListBaseNode<E extends IQueryNode> |
Base class for AST nodes which model an ordered list of children.
QueryNodeWithBindingSet |
Class for wrapping a query node and an associated binding set (as starting
point for evaluating the query).
QueryRoot |
The top-level Query.
RangeNode |
It's a value expression because it does eventually evaluate to a value -
Range value. |
SliceNode |
AST node for a SLICE (offset/limit).
SolutionModifierBase |
AST node for solution modifiers (SLICE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY)
SolutionSetStats | Deprecated
SolutionSetStatserator since the latter can compute
all of the same information can be used over streaming solution
sets. |
SolutionSetStatserator |
Class populates an
ISolutionSetStats object from a stream of
solutions. |
SolutionSetStatsFilter |
Class may be used to collect statistics from a stream of solutions.
StatementPatternNode |
A node in the AST representing a statement pattern.
StaticAnalysis |
Methods for static analysis of a query.
StaticAnalysis_CanJoin |
Class provides methods to determine if two
IJoinNode s can join on a
shared variable and if they can join on an variable which is indirectly
shared through constraints which can be attached to that join. |
StaticAnalysisBase |
Base class for static analysis.
SubqueryBase |
AST node for subqueries.
SubqueryFunctionNodeBase |
A special function node for modeling value expression nodes which are
evaluated against an inner graph expression, such as EXISTS and NOT EXISTS.
SubqueryRoot |
A SPARQL 1.1 style subquery.
TermNode |
Used to represent a variable or constant in the AST (a term in a statement
pattern for example).
TestAll |
Aggregates test suites into increasing dependency order.
TestAST |
TODO This does not really "test" much, just exercises some basic aspects of
the API.
TestJoinSetUtil |
Test suite for
JoinSetUtil . |
TestSolutionSetStats |
Test suite for
SolutionSetStats . |
TestSolutionSetStatserator |
Test suite for
SolutionSetStatserator |
TestStaticAnalysis |
Test suite for methods supporting static analysis of the variables, including
whether a variable MUST be bound, MIGHT be bound, or is NOT bound.
TestStaticAnalysis_CanJoin | |
TestStaticAnalysis_CanJoinUsingConstraints |
This test suite is built around around BSBM Q5.
UnionNode |
A special kind of group
IGroupNode that represents the sparql union
operator. |
Update |
A SPARQL Update operation.
UpdateRoot |
The top level container for a sequence of UPDATE operations.
ValueExpressionListBaseNode<E extends IValueExpressionNode> |
Base class for AST nodes which model an ordered list of value expressions.
ValueExpressionNode |
AST node for value expressions.
VarNode |
Used to represent a variable in the AST.
ZeroLengthPathNode | Deprecated
Does not work - leads to cardinality problems and can be removed.
Enum | Description |
DescribeModeEnum |
Type-safe enumeration of the different ways in which we can evaluate a
FilterExistsModeEnum |
Used to specify the query plan for FILTER (NOT) EXISTS.
PathNode.PathMod | |
QueryOptimizerEnum |
The known query optimizers.
QueryType |
Type safe enumeration reporting the high level type of the query.
UpdateType |
Typesafe enumeration for SPARQL Graph Update and Graph Management operations.
Exception | Description |
QuadsOperationInTriplesModeException |
Exception indicating that a quads operation such as an update or extract
on a named graph is issued, but the database is bootstrapped in triples mode
This package contains an Abstract Syntax Tree which provides an intermediate translation target for SPARQL parsers. This makes it relatively easy to integrate different SPARQL parsers with bigdata. The resulting AST is translated into a bigdata evaluation plan (bops) which is then executed on the query engine.
QueryRoot extends GroupNodeBase implements IGroupNode -Dataset -Distinct -Order by expressions -Limit / offset Tuple Expr: Join Group, Union, Statement Pattern, Constraint TupleExpr = IBindingsProducerNode? ValueExpr = IValueExpressionNode? Only an IGroupNode can have children (Union, Join Group), and those children will be IBindingsProducerNodes (other groups, statements patterns, constraints) IGroupNode: -children: IBindingsProducerNode[] -group ID? IBindingsProducerNode: -parent: IGroupNode abstractBindingsProducerNode -setParent(IGroupNode) abstract GroupNodeBase Iterable-addChild(IBindingsProducerNode) -removeChild(IBindingsProducerNode) -iterator() Join Group extends ASTNode implements IBindingsProducerNode -Optional -Statement patterns -Constraints -Sub groups Union extends ASTNode implements IBindingsProducerNode -Sub queries can be groups or statement patterns, but not constraints Statement Pattern extends ASTNode implements IBindingsProducerNode -optional: boolean -scope: Sesame Scope object -S, P, O, C: TermNode Constraint extends ASTNode implements IBindingsProducerNode -argument: IValueExpressionNode Value Expr -Unary: IsBNode, IsLiteral, IsResource, IsURI, Datatype, Label, Lang, Str, Not -Binary: And, Or, Compare, SameTerm, LangMatches, Math, Regex -Term: Var, Constant
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